Friday, February 29, 2008

SCGC Help Class up the Memorial Building.

As has been the tradition for several years, the Shady Characters convened in the kitchen/greenhouse of the Memorial Building to assemble the centerpieces for the annual Maury County Benefit Ball.  Tom Harmon conducted a 'how-to' session, and then we went to work.  The black and white theme was beautifully accented by the elevated arrangements, complete with hidden illumination.  This year's Ball was particularly special, as our own Gale Moore was surprised with the award named in her mother's honor, the Lucille Queener Courtney Community Service Award.  While we know Gale best when she is sporting her beloved running shoes, she puts on the pumps with the best of them.  We are so proud of you Gale, and thank you for all you give back to our community.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Shady Characters Share the Love

Shady Love was in the air at Kim's house where we gathered 'round the kitchen island to make lovely bouquets we shared with special friends. Karen treated us to a sweetheart of a lunch and Melinda blew us kisses with her Two-Lips Bouquet.